
Hi and welcome to Valente Adventures!

We hope you enjoy sharing our lives, the joys, sorrows, ups downs, trials & tribulations mixed all on top with blessings and sweet tender mercies from the Lord, and we with you and your lives!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Blog

I have a new blog address, although there is nothing on there.... yet.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

End of Valente Adventures

Just so you know, this is the end of Valente Adventures. Kim and I are getting divorced. :'( He asked for a divorce the day after I made the last post. Strange how things end up. I hate where this has all come to and I never thought our marriage was really bad. Sure, we had our issues - but horrible? No. But the only thing that I am left with is the way that I act and react and how I continue to treat people - expecially him. I do love my husband dearly... and I think that I always will have that extra soft spot for him. But I can't deny that there was a lot going on that never should have been. The past month has been full of tears and hurt feelings and life spinning faster around me than I can realize. However, despite all the horrible things that have happened I have been surrounded in the loving arms of my Father in Heaven and He's been taking care of me miracle upon miracle. For that I am truely greatful. Like I said earlier this really sucks and I hate that things have ended up this way, and there is so much more than really needs to be known by others, and yes it's very confusing to many. Expecially me - at first. It's been so hard finding out things that were going on just under my nose - and I never saw them. Nonetheless, I am so grateful for the Gospel in my life and for the love of my Heavenly Father and for my family, friends, and others. I am so grateful for the miracles and for the Power of the Priesthood and Blessings, and the stregnth that I find therein. I have moved back to Utah... or so I guess you can say... all my stuff is here, but I really don't have anywhere to live, or call home. I am staying with my parents, but everyone knows what it's like moving back with your parents after having your own home. I am just so ready to move on with my life... and try desperately to forget how much I still love and miss my husband - despite everything.... but logically... It really is for the best.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Girls Night

Tonight was really lovely. For the first time in a very long time I had a girls night out! It was SO lovely just being able to sit around and chat and laugh and grow closer together. We had a pot luck dinner at my home and everyone brought their scrapbook supplies to build pages together. How fun it is to pass the pages around and see the amazing talents of our friends, and draw your creative juices from their fantastic ideas! Really, it was just SO lovely being able to just hang out and have so much fun... : ) We all had so much fun we decided to make it a monthly get-to-gether! I"m really excited for this!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Good afternoon friends,
I have decided that I am going to attempt to start really using my blog, even though it is clear to me that I have no idea how to make it super cute like my friends or really utilize the tool. While doing this, I must also make sure that I do not get sucked into this too bad and neglecting my responsibilities... and actually write posts that someone might actually want to read.

Kim and I passed our one year anniversary a month ago, what a fun time! And a stark realization that my mother was right - again. That the older you get the faster that life flies by! I have especially noticed this at least the past 2 years - if not the past 4! For our anniversary, Kim was so cute, he made all the plans and did all the plotting. He was so excited... which made me smile from the inside out! He took me out to Bahama Breeze, which is one of my favorite restaurants, but Kim didn't know that, which made it even more fun! He was also very cute and charming for he fell into what I call the "Greeting Card Isle Trap." I can stand in that isle for hours and not realize that such time has passed and upon leaving.... I have a cart full of cards that I loved and really can't decide between at that point. So I buy them all and file them in the correct category in my "Greeting Cards Drawer" in one of my two filing cabinets, to be used at a future time and date, saving me from my trap... Well Kim evidently got caught in this trap as well, although not to place the extra cards in the file, but to give them to me at all different times and hide them in new places. Our anniversary lasted for days this way, I absolutely loved it! I am so grateful to be married to my wonderful husband. I find that I fall more and more in love with him as the moments pass, and so grateful that I didn't marry others! lol. I really don't think I would be able to stand many others... : The Lord certainly knew what he was doing when he brought us together! How thankful I am! We really do tend to balance each other out, and when those moments hit where I am overwhelmed and stressed and breaking down... there comes my sweet husband with his smiles and jokes (this is his #1 favorite time to joke around) which bring me to this state of laughter and frustration fighting back and forth and I don't know whether to laugh or scream. lol I love the sweet things he does and the simple joy he brings to my life. I am most definately sure that I got the better end of this deal! Happy Anniversary my love!
(We also got to go up to Bridgeport, Connecticut for the weekend for an Angolan Family Reunion… That was fun too! J

Here we are the day before my favorite holiday. J Usually I have spent this day for most of my PA life, down in the city seeing historical sites and remembering what got us here, followed up with the Philadelphia 4th of July Parade, Concert & Fireworks. But I have to say… They have nothing on the Enoch and Cedar City style of celebrating…. Well the first couple years I was really blown away, but it seems that the last couple have left us very wet, so the firework shows weren’t all that great. And I found myself really missing the town parade where you know just about everyone there, the big to-do at the city park; with the dunking machine, the performances, the races, the fishing pond for the little ones and all the other exhibits. With excitement, joy and happiness all around. After you finish up there at the Cedar City Park, we would head out to Enoch park and enjoy a good old town BBQ (Burgers, Dogs and Salads). While there is a Baseball game going on with anyone who wants to join. Then performances and a little speech as dusk comes. Then you lie back on the grass and enjoy the dj’d concert and fireworks show. For there led on that grass watching my big old Southern Utah desert sky I’d feel the magic of the 4th of July… How I really do miss it. This year we are flying by the seat of our pants and seeing what happens. But after telling you of my 4th of July memories, it’s no wonder, that the past few years I keep being let down… they are definitely high expectations! :P Someday, I can’t wait to let my Kimmy see & feel that special kind of magic.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Our Website....

Well, our website www.kimandjenvalente.com has expired. I need to create a new one, cause I really liked it... or actually really use this one... I just wanted to let you know. But in the mean time, beacuse I don't really have anything to write, or rather really the time. Check out our following business websites! Our businesses are really taking off it's so fun!


<3 KJV